Corinthian Church & Healing Associason

“It is an individual’s intrinsic right to the freedom to pursue their personal path, In their own way, without fear of Judgment”

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This site is dedicated to Rev Ron Jones

The Corinthian Church and Healing Association was founded in 1993 by the late Rev Ron Jones founder and lifelong president and his wife Valerie. Who were both active within the organisation? Helping to ensure that it is managed along sound principles and simple ideals Ron and his wife had been involved with the spiritualist movement for 30 years. Both worked as Healers and Mediums for most of their lives. They found themselves restricted by rules and regulations which did not add anything to the churches they served. They both felt that there was room for improvement.
Check out the Special events page

The Corinthian Church and Healing Association, is a registered charity in England Wales and Scotland No: 1069061,

Out of this the Corinthian Church and Healing association was born

Out of this the Corinthian Church and Healing Association was born to provide an environment in which many spiritually minded people have found that they can work in their own way for the good of mankind and God without the restrictions and often suffocating rules imposed by an overbearing governing body. And to advance in Spiritual knowledge and understanding amongst mankind to advance the practice of Spiritual
Healing and the development of Spiritual Healers throughout in this day and age many people desire to help others increase their Spiritual understanding but are often unable to find an outlet that feels right for them to do this.

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This Organisation believes That:

This organisation believes that list of gifts abilities is becoming more common and more relevant today than ever before.
People have often come to us at the end of there tether unable to understand or deal with their gifts.

We can understand and support these people from a position of personal experience without dogma or condemnation. It is our main aims to promote and teach the art of Spiritual Healing.

Core Beliefs and Principles of the Corinthian Church and Healing Association

  • We Believe: In God the Father and the Brotherhood of all life
  • We Teach: That we are responsible for our own actions in thought and deed and that only we can correct our own wrongdoing
  • We affirm: The teaching and example of Jesus the Christ and endeavour to live by them.
  • We Know: That Spirit teachers and healers return to earth to help those in need.


The information on this website including idea’s, suggestions, techniques, articles, and other materials, is provided to you only as general information.
The Corinthian Church and Healing Association does not provide medical diagnosis, or consultations related to health, medical, or psychiatric issues...


Easy fund raising add the donation bar to your browser it is easy to do just click this link to download the donation reminder places like Argos, Ebay and many more follow the instructions on the page is easy

Head Office

15a London Road Primrose Hall Sussex BN27 1EB Corinthian church and healing association Email:


If you wish to make a donation you can Download the form and post to us instructions on the form or contact the office on 01320 440420 
Called you ensure that this form is just used for donations it is not to be used for the paying of membership thank you